Amazing story. So glad for you. I hope you have success with your children.
I too was terrified of telling my husband. He was not an elder, not even a ms, in fact he misses a lot of meetings and very rarely goes on the ministry. He stopped going for years before he was brought back by a 'kind' elder a couple of years ago. While he was away he decided to go to university and he got a degree. Yet I cant make him see anything I say to him. The last time we argued, the last thing I said to him was 'Overlapping Generations'!!!!!!!!!! He stormed out of the room and we didn't speak for a week!
We avoid the subject now, but he will leave magazines and books lying around and stick a memorial invitation in between the mail! Thankfully my children are all out, but it is so hard living with someone who does not believe the same as you.
Sending love to anyone else in the same situation as I am. I know there are many.